Thursday, March 21, 2019

I am back... after 8 years of stories disappearance. Anybody missed my posts? :-)

And it's me few month's back while visiting our beloved Holyland Israel; and my son with me.
Yes, my only son Troy Gabriel K., almost 13 years age this year. 
Isn't he still adorable and even more good looking? Praise God. Thank you Father God.
What a wonderful and amazing journey I had been through for all the years...

Will be posting such a long and never ending blog posts since 2011 till now and still counting... Soon I'll be a blog writer again  😍

Thank you Lord Jesus - Jakarta, 21 March 2019.  😍😇😇💖👶

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sayap-sayap patah - dan Cinta ini untukmu...

This words I dedicated for you, mijn liebe.... Hope you will understand.

"A scratch from Kahlil Gibran"....
“Apa yang telah kucintai laksana seorang anak kini tak henti-hentinya aku mencintai… Dan, apa yang kucintai kini… akan kucintai sampai akhir hidupku, karena cinta ialah semua yang dapat kucapai… dan tak ada yang akan mencabut diriku dari padanya”
“Kemarin aku sendirian di dunia ini, kekasih; dan kesendirianku… sebengis kematian…
Kemarin diriku adalah sepatah kata yang tak bersuara…, di dalam pikiran malam. Hari ini… aku menjelma menjadi sebuah nyanyian menyenangkan di atas lidah hari. Dan, ini berlangsung dalam semenit dari sang waktu yang melahirkan sekilasan pandang, sepatah kata, sebuah desakan dan… sekecup ciuman”
“Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana… seperti kata yang tak sempat diucapkan kayu kepada api yang menjadikannya abu… Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana… seperti isyarat yang tak sempat dikirimkan awan kepada hujan yang menjadikannya tiada…”
“…pabila cinta memanggilmu… ikutilah dia walau jalannya berliku-liku… Dan, pabila sayapnya merangkummu… pasrahlah serta menyerah, walau pedang tersembunyi di sela sayap itu melukaimu…”

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gundah ku....

Terkadang ku tak mengerti...
Apa isi di hatimu...
Sungguhkah kau menyayangiku??
Ataukah aku hanya jadi bayang-bayang semu masa lalu...
Dan hanya menjadi pelampiasan luka karna cintamu yang terhilang???
Kau yang memilikinya... kau yang masih bersamanya...
Tak mampu kuraih dekap rindu hatimu tuk ku...
Tak jua mampu ku rengkuh hatimu....
Yang kuharap hanya secercah cinta di hati..
Dan sebersit perhatianmu untuk ku .. untuk kami...
Namun.. acuh mu terasa menyakitkanku..
Acuh mu memedihkan ku...
Aku tau.. aku sadar.. inilah cinta yang harus kuterima..
Dan meski cintaku tulus... ini saatnya ku harus buktikan..
Bahwa berkorban untukmu dan mereka adalah hal terindah di cintaku..
Meski kau tak pernah akui... tak pernah kau ungkapkan...
Namun yang pasti.... cinta sejati tak mengharap balasan....
Bahkan meski disakiti sekalipun.....

So sweet so cute... saat galau di 2009 lalu. 
Jakarta, 21 Mar 2019 😋😅😸

Friday, April 24, 2009

Another Gabe and Mommy

Gabe and Mom ... again and always

Gabe - nowadays, Jan - April 2009

Several locations.. and poses of my angel Gabe...
(After being silent for more than 5 months...)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mommy and Gabe

Smiley face... senyum usilnya tuuhh

Main di taman

Gabe lagi main di taman lho sama Mommy...
Sambil berdiri nih.. keren yaaa...

Sunday school-Sept

Gabe naik becak .. lucu kan?? hehe...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Gabe birthday advertisement

Ini ada iklan ultahnya Gabe lhooo.... Diset Mommy tgl 15 Sept 2008 terbit di Kompas Jabodetabek....
Tapi lihat yang bagian terbawah yaaa.....

Keren gaaak?? :)

Another Gabe' 2nd B'day pics

Ini ada lagi...
Seruuuuu dhe..
Tapi waktu di rumah.. Gabenya udah bobo.. jadi Mommy deh yang tiup lilin lagi..


My 2nd B'day-9 09 2008

This is my second b'day celebration....

Seru and rame lhooo.....

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Cinta datang kepada orang yang masih mempunyai harapan walaupun mereka telah dikecewakan. ..
Kepada mereka yang masih percaya walaupun mereka telah dikhianati.
Kepada mereka yang masih ingin mencintai walaupun mereka telah disakiti sebelumnya dan kepada mereka yang masih mempunyai keberanian dan keyakinan untuk membangun kembali kepercayaan

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sunday school again

Ada yang liat gak yaaa....
Psst.. teman2 lagi berdo'a nih...

Gabe belajar nulis.. eh corat coret nii

Lagi serius nih......
Eh tapi senyum dulu aahh

Jangan diganggu yaaa....

A reflection

In Life You Can't Turn Back

A young lady was waiting for her flight in the boarding room of a big airport.
As she would need to wait many hours, she decided to buy a book to spend her time.
She also bought a packet of cookies. She sat down in an armchair in the VIP room of the airport to rest and read in peace.

Beside the armchair where the packet of cookies lay, a man sat down in the next seat, opened his magazine and started reading. When she took out the first cookie, the man took one also. She felt irritated but said nothing. She just thought, "What a nerve! If I was in the mood I would punch him for daring!".

For each cookie he took, the man took one too.
This was infuriating her but she didn't want to cause a scene. When only cookie remained, she thought, "Ah…what this abusive man do now?".

Then the man taking the last cookie, divided it into half, giving her one half.
Oh, that was too much! She was too angry now.
In a huff, she took her book, her things and stormed to the boarding place.

When she sat down in the seat, inside the plane, she looked into her purse to take her eyeglasses, and, to her suprise, her packet of cookies was there, untouched, unopened!

She felt so ashamed! She realized that she was wrong.
She has forgotten that her cookies were kept in her purse. The man had divided her cookies with her, without feeling angered or bitter. While she had been very angry, thinking that she was dividing her cookies with him. And now there was no chance to explain herself…nor to apologize.

There are 4 things that you cannot recover:

The stone…after the throw!
The word…after it's said
The occasion…after the loss
The time…after it's gone

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mommy and Gabe-AGAIN

Duh.. Gabe koq cemberut gitu yaaa

Hmm.. Mommy love you Gabe...

GABE-Smiley face ever

My smiley face for everybody...

And my first time crawling...

Mommy' b'day 16 July 2008

Mommy and Gabe @ Mom' b'day

Aamm... Ade suapin Mommy yaa

My Gabe - The Love of My Life

I'm trying to give the best to my only son, the BEST GIFT ever from Lord Jesus to me...

That's why I create this blog.. though it's not perfect.. it's just to show how I love my son..
How I adore him...

Mommy love you, Gabe...
Thank you Lord Jesus for giving you in mommy's life...